It will definitely be longer and have three quite different subjects. I will be writing about Religion, Politics and Abuse.
Strange isn't it? For 5 years my political instincts lie dormant, while the mere mention of the words 'General Election' make me give a good long look at what has been happening around us here on the island. I won't be too far off the beaten track if I say that Labour will probably win this year's election.
Apart from a 2 year hiatus in '96, the Nationalist Party has ruled for the last twenty years. Looking at this lengthy dominion, Malta has changed for the better. Anyone with a sense of fairness will have to admit that things are far different than when they ascended to power all those years ago. And those two years Labour spent in governing were nothing but utter shambles. However, I feel that after twenty years, rot starts to set in. Intoxication of Power is the name of the game here, and it has really been too long. But is it the fact that people want a change to Labour? Or simply because they are tired of seeing the same people in power for so long? I shudder to think at the way Labour spoonfeeds the people, telling ME what is right or wrong for my kids. I have brains with which I can decide for myself no? Give me the facility to choose, and I will do so with my mind.
People DO NOT want to change the government policy...people want to change the ministers and deputies. So the 8 March will see a tense affair develop on the Maltese Islands. On one hand we see the Nationalist Government which has worked so hard to introduce us to Europe and the European Currency, on the other hand we see Labour with their aspirations of simply disagreeing with the Nationalists just because that's the way that things go. I doubt in Sant's leadership. No...make that I do not agree with his leadership. His methods date back to the late 70s early 80s, when all we could do was shut up.
It sure as hell will be an interesting three days!
Okay, now we turn to religion. I hate organisations as a whole. And I hate organised religion the most. I cannot imagine what two thousand year old teachings have to do with this modern society of ours. I would point out that today it is Islam that I am up against. I have just seen pictures that have shaken me to the core.

An eight year old boy, neglected and hungry, stole (stole? stealing food to live!) a piece of crust from a merchant in Iran. This boy, weak as he invariably was due to malnutrition, was subsequently caught and sentenced. The punishment? Having him lie down on the ground and having a truck drive over his left arm. And the fuckers said that they took mercy on him by only crushing his left arm, since he was right-handed. This boy will remain crippled for life.
Finally back to our shores and an act of sheer stupidity by what many presume is the FKNK. Well at least they are admitting that they were the ones to try and put things straight. Just head to the Birdlife Malta site. The gist of what happened is this. Three members of Birdlife were doing a scientific study at Buskett, when a bang was heard. The trio headed back to their vehicles, only to see them in flames. One of the men is an American, driving a vehicle with diplomatic plates.

How about that? On both websites of Birdlife and FKNK there have been threats by the so-called 'Conservationists', whom I consider as bullies. Obviously, hard facts are hard to come by, but everybody knows that the hunters association is hugely against control.
Hell, I have family members who were happy at this act of arson. When are these people going to learn that in this day and age there has to be change? I will be subscribing to Birdlife, and hope to play my part.
Quotes by Greenpeace follow. “Environmentalists throughout the region are shocked and alarmed to hear the news about the firebombing of wildlife volunteer's cars. Given a history peaceful environmental campaigns, even in the face of past threats and intimidation, this violent act is a disturbing threat to Maltese civil society” stated the Director of Greenpeace Mediterranean, Mr Ahmet Bektas. “This descent to what police believe was probably a criminal attack, has no place in an EU country. It’s perpetrators stain the heritage and risk the reputation of Malta” he continued. While Greenpeace is not involved in Birdlife’s campaign to save migrating wild birds from the spring hunt, it stands together with Birdlife in its vision to peacefully defend wildlife and the environment. Mr Bektas called for rapid, decisive leadership to send a clear message to those willing to descend into violence. “At a time when Malta has so much going for it, the Prime Minister and the Opposition must find the courage and unity to immediately address the underlying issue of illegal hunting. It is incomprehensible that they should permit a small minority who flout the European Commission as well as the views of wildlife scientists and insist on their right to destructive hunting. The government of the day must join and support the view of most Maltese people and protect remaining wildlife. This will not only give a clear message that intimidation and violent methods will not be tolerated, but it will also build the country’s reputation and allow it to move on.”
I would like to comment about hunting. The major issue with hunting in malta is that both parties dont agree on a common policy. Politician and hunters have used this to their advantage. We should force the parties to do a joint declaration that hunting is illegal and no excuses. I really don't agree the way they put he blame on EU and the fact that they are waiting for the eu courts to decide. I wish the maltese parties hadd a little balls,...
With regard to your POLITIC overview!!! ....I FULLY DISAGREE :P
So you disagree with social services? let me remind you that it was the labour party who introduced the Minimum wage, the medical services, children allownces, education...later developed by PN, sometimes I can't understand if either I am living in a world of dreams or others are just trying to get out from a corner!!!
It is pretty obvious that after so many years in the government malta needs a change in GOVERNMENT! .....a GONZIPN campaign, personally I think it a strategy to try and persuade citizens that HE IS DIFFERENT!....after 5 years he decided to change the he is saying that what is needed to be done it will be I think its time for him to get down from the throne (personally) and give chance to a better opinion party. AND ITS NOT TRUE what you said about the opposition doing the oposite....(although its meant to be)....the opposition is looking for utmost sincerity in our corrupted society, give a better future to the young generation and obviously diminishing these ridiculous taxes... let it alone a 22% VAT tax....!
I cant immagine having our country in a surplus financial situation...especially under this governemnt where in the last years corruptness and arrogance have reigned....I would nt immagine a Mr. Said or Cocpardo and who ever is announcing public.....
Iva flimkien possibli....nnkomplu nnejku l pajjiz.....THE ONLY WAY IS UP LABOUR !!!
Hello M. First of all thanks for reading. Second, you should have read a bit more attentively. I DID say that 'Intoxication of Power' sets in..corruption in other word. And I totally disagree with that obviously. I DO believe that labour will win. I do know that Labour introduced all the advantages you spoke of in the first paragraph. I totally agree..and that time I was thankful and voted Labour!
But I am also old enough to try and not remember what we went through under Labour. It was an unsettled country, if you deny it then please I will stop writing. Violence ruled. I recall going home from school and being a quiet person, being totally mobbed by Labour supporters (1981) in a rigged election family is TOTALLY pro Labour. EVERY single member.
M, I am married, and the income tax I pay on my wage is laughable. I pay exactly (and legally) LM22 per month..not too bad is it? So please do not tell me about taxes. This is a modern world, and these days it is easier to make money than yesteryears...
So yes, I am between a rock and a hard place...who will I vote for? The 'intoxicated' Nationalist Party or the 'inept' Labour Party?
Hopefully for none of them! I might be taking advantage of a holiday offer!
(Please note that this is my opinion. I do not understand the little things that go behind the scenes, but rather, comment on life as I see it. You are entitled to your opinion naturally, and I will of course respect it.)
Let’s be fair, the change to PN was badly needed in the late Eighties. Corruption and bad governance was clearly visible throughout the country. I remember the days when you had to know the minister to buy a colour TV or to buy a commodore pc. During the nineties we experienced a lot of success, when all the market was liberalised and we could practically buy whatever we wanted.
But you know you cannot reign forever, the longer you stay in power, the higher the risk of losing control of your ‘loyal’ generals. Corruption will be the order of the day. Therefore a change will be badly needed. The problem is that change is needed throughout the organisation from TOP to BOTTOM. If you change only the leaders you will probably have de-motivated employees and employees who resist change and sabotage your operations.
Fortunately enough in 1996, the electorate understood that after 10 years we needed this change. The thing is that Labour made some big mistakes and frankly enough I do not believe that they expected this to happen. They made a catastrophic mistake to convince the mighty Mintoff to contest the elections. Due to government manoeuvres in electoral districts labour had only 1 extra seat in parliament although these should have been more considering the 8,000 Vote cushion gained in the general elections. It was impossible to govern because 1 person could have decided the fate of the government .
I know that Labour did a number of bad decisions at that time but for me its very unfair to judge them because each government shall be measured on the whole legislature which is of 5 years and not on 1 and a half years. For me it was an unfinished symphony; in football terms its like having a football manager who buys a number of young players which are need to develop a team for the future but he is sacked after 1 year upon failure to land the title.
Well let’s face it, will people vote for the promises given by both parties? Both are offering good things and probably they are not mentioning the bad ones, these will come later after the 10th of March. Let’s face it if I read the PN electoral manifest, there are things which have been promised for the last 10 years but never happened. And I am 100% sure that most of the measures in this manifest emerged after they had studied what Labour is offering in a panic situation. Even for example about Education, well they are saying that the reception class is a repeater class, well this has been tested and implemented in much more advanced countries from which we can learn something.
Insomma to cut it short, Labour are no saints but I believe that Labour deserve a fair chance to govern this country. Democracy shall win and we must open our minds to change and yes why not change government every 5 years if possible. This way we will avoid corruption and will benefit to every single citizen of this country. Viva Malta !!
Hi Jean-Paul..naqbel mieghek! Partiti bla bajd ghandna! Il-Labour qal li ser jirrispetta id-decizjoni tal EU! Tajba din...iwieghed haga (kacca fir-rebbiegha), waqt li f'ittri rqaq jghid ohra. U l-PN idahqu ghax ma jridux jiehdu stand huma wkoll.
Ghandi qraba fil-familja jien, broke sa l-ahhar, u l-ewwel ghaxar liri li jaqla' jixtrihom skratac.
To Anonymous.
You have hit the nail on the head. That is exactly the situation as I see it too. An era of panic and stress, (A Sinclair ZX81 1k computer I brought over from England was confiscated at the airport, and only released after a year, and only then with a Ministerial decree!) was followed by an instant release of the market, with a relative time of prosperity following that.
The approximate two years spent by MLP in government showed that the poulation is a volatile one, and not to be taken lightly. I agree with you re Mintoff and the 1 seat cushion. Totally. Seems silly to me to have just one seat. No use complaining though, it was Labour who started the gerymandering after
Yes, corruption sets in after some time, and I totally agree with you that it would make absolute sense (to me) to change governments every 5 (or realistically 7) years.
That way there can be only one winner...the citizen! Me! Which is what poitics is all about.
I do believe that with or without my help, Labour will be elected to power. And hopefully we citizens WILL improve our lot in life!
Isn't that what we all strive for eventually? Viva Malta!
I pay exactly (and legally) LM22 per month..not too bad is it?.....???
My friend I think your the only on paying such taxes on this island, and probably ur not paying for electricity and water?!?!?! because due to the taxes we have I pay over Lm100 a month! What the hell are u saying!!
Another thing you might consider is our hig-cost of living....its terribile to live under such government, on the 8th MARCH the present condamned government will be dismantled once and for all ... and I don't say hopefully cause its pretty sure that everyone is asking for a new governmental change....kampanja
GONZIPN....da min meta sar l partit tijaw???...nahseb induna li andu xeba korrotti madwaru u irid jara kif ha jbellaha lil maltin bil partit gdid....u ajdlu jhallina!!!
LM22 is the amount I pay from my INCOME TAX...I told you to read properly. I am the sole provider in a family of 4 (two teenage daughters...ha jgennuni). Why shouldn't I pay little? And with the new tax bands I will be paying exactly Nil. Should they pass, that is. :-)
Electricity and water is paid by everybody in the world...I think.
Will Labour remove the surcharge? No. Definite about that. Not possible, although I applaud the effort. Unless Sant removes the surcharge and apply the charge in a per unit cost , like he did in 96.
Remember that? Ah..thought not. Everybody seems to have forgotten the electricity price hike of 96.
Yep, I agree with you about the cost-of-living. Way TOO expensive for us. Sometimes I wonder how a little plastic bag of groceries costs so much at the supermarkets here. The cost of living in England is FAR cheaper (il-hajja) in England. They lose out financially on insurances and health over there.
I also noticed the GonziPN slant and do NOT agree with it! Is it a party or a one-man-band? Who knows? I agree with you that it should be the party.
Issa naraw 9th March, ikollna r-rizultat. Fil-verita, ikolli nghid li jitla min jitla, lili mhux ha taghmilli wisq differenza. Mhux ha jimluni bid-deheb li ma nahdimx...
Like I said. I believe Labour will win, and it's no big deal you know...after all, don't the labour voters all have children and wish to do the best for them as well? Little difference here in Malta actually...
As a floating voter who scans all the ballot sheet I have to say that during the last couple general elections (excluding the last local councils which I chose to abstain) gave me no option other than to give my No 1 to PN ... not because I like PN's attitude ....but only because they were the only 'safe' party to get us in the EU. Yes .... I am pro EU.
I strongly beleive in the Maltese people capabilites and for sure we manage to keep up with bigger more resourceful countries. So I always kept asking myself... why does the Labour party fear challenge and want us a step behind from competition?...why do we always have to be followers?....We can be leaders in our own fields of profession. Please give us space to explore and we'll conquer.
Aren't we up to it? During the 2nd world war we were the most bombarded nation per square metre in the whole world...yet we survived! I might ask....why did Hitler want us so badly? If we are truly Atlantis....then let us be it!
This time the political situation in Malta is different. It's the first time that we're voting to elect a government as an EU member state. Our government finally has the big brother watching over him. And the big brother is the citizen himself. We now have the power to voice ourselves, speak freely and the right to appeal to what is being ordered if this is not in line with our thoughts. Finally my tax contribution spending is being monitored...I don't mind paying taxes as long as it's used wisely.
Most of the things PN and MLP are suggesting are in a way or another the same....maybe in different forms but the goal is the same...A better standard of living. So I have to admit that am still a bit undecided where to put my No 1 this time. Chosing between an arrogant PN but which through expeience delivered(although stated with caution...better late than never though...), A stubborn MLP who dictates what's best, AD who is inclided only to some of the country's issues but never considers economic and stability issues, and AD who is just business oriented (apart form being far Right) and for sure have hidden agendas....
I have to say that for the benefit of the country a coalision government would be best. This would make sure that the nation's interest isn't mingled with by politician's personal interests....which unfortunately I beleive that is ingrained all of the major parties.
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