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Mates of mine will know that I am a big fan of Tottenham Hotspur! So it was with no little pleasure that me an Roxanne witnessed the Spurs finally winning a trophy..and against mighty Chelsea! A well-balanced match, with the whites taking the lion's share of the play in the first half (although Chelsea scored first), and Chelsea responding well in the second, despite Spurs equalising. Funny bit that! Then a truly fortuitous goal by Woodgate in the 3rd minute of extra time sealed matters! COME ON YOU SPURS!
Well somebody sure doesn't like us Juventini. This is the 4th match which we should have won comfortably, but being denied by extremely poor and biased refereeing. No excuses here mind you. Facts are facts, whichever way you look at them. This has been going on for some time with no end in sight. Aaaah..makes me sick.
One of the (few) advantages of going to work early (7am) is enjoying the simple beauty of nature.A mate of mine here at work is always running around with his camera in his car, and the following picture is a result of his efforts. Pity he uses a Canon! Hehe! I am a Sony guy, but no arguing with the beauty of this picture!
Well Done Johann...keep the camera rolling!
Wara l-interess tal-'post' ta qabel, ircevejt dan l-update! Nahseb ta min jistudja l-proposti!
1) Il-familja naghtuha valur aktar. 3 day week xoghol ghal kulhadd u jithallas ta 7 day week halli il-familja ikollha aktar hin flimkien.
2) kull hadd intitolat ghal 50 gurnata leave kull sitt xhur
3) Innehhu l-Burokrazija fuq il-post tax-xoghol....jigifieri min jiehu sick jinqataw ic-cerimonji tat-tobba u certifikati.
4) Il-prodott lokali dejjem kien ghal qalbna. Jinghataw permessi anke fl-ispizeriji biex tinbiegh il-birra maltija u ovvjament tkun issusidjata.
5) Il-Mepa, mhux nirrangawha imma innehhuwha darba ghal-dejjem halli zgur hadd ma jgerger.
6) Nillegalizzaw il-haxixa ghax biha u minghajrha, skond l-istudju li ghamilna, nofs il-poplu fl-ispazju qieghed. (Ma naqbilx...DRUGS ARE FOR MUGS!)
7) Bhala Gvern, nintrabtu biex nohorgu allowances ghal kull min isiefer fuq vaganza, specjalment fejn l-individwi jonfqu aktar minn elfejn euro. Ahna jimpurtana hafna minnek aktar ma tonfoq aktar irridu ntuk x'tonfoq!
8) Il-valur ta L-euro nghamluh daqs dak tal-maltija u indahhlu id-dollar u l-isterlina biex nikkompetu ma l-Inglizi u l-Amerikani. Tant ghandna ficjucja f'dawn il-mizuri li nafu li wara ftit id-dollaru Amerikan nifqghuh.
9) Naghtu garanzija, li jekk anke niehdu tkaxkira ta Gesu Kristu fil-Eurovision, dan xorta jsir f'Malta.
10) Jitwahhlu tabelli - jidhru mill-ispace shuttles daqs kemm ikunu kbar - fil-bahar jippuntaw lejn l-italja u jinghataw mapep ta navigazzjoni ghall-italja lill kull klandestin li jkun gej lejn Malta. Skond din il-weghda qeghdin ukoll nipproponu li npoggu xi braken li fuqhom nistghu inpoggu l-fdalijiet ta' l-ikel taghna halli jkollhom x'jieklu wkoll u hadd ma jgerger izjed ghal hela li nahlu ahna l-Maltin jew li narmu hafna ikel gdid.
11) Il-programm "dejjem tieghek Becky" jieqaf mal-ewwel mix-xandir. Jinharqu wkoll il-kopji kollha li jezistu tas-sensieli kollha ta becky inkluz is-sensiela undercover.
12) Tinfetah bajja topless u jinghataw trombi b'xejn lil kulhadd. Ma naqblu xejn li ssir bajja bottomless. Ahna fuq valuri u principji ma niccajtawx.
13) Johorgu permessi specjali ghall dawk kollha li biex jiccelebraw ir-rebha tal-partit taghna, jiddeciedu li jifqaw xi kazin, jixhtu xi landa zebgha jew jorbtu xi Billboard ma wara tal-karozza taghhom. Tistghu ukoll tghajjru lil ta kontrina ghal jumejn shah. Ghal dawk il-jumejn ser inqassmu t-shirts li jiswew 5 euros biss li fuqhom hemm miktub: noboghdukom ghax kontrina. b'hekk kulhadd ikollu cans jizvoga.
14) Inzidu it-turizmu f-pajjizna - Kemmuna nibdluwha f'post aqwa minn IBIZA. Ahna turisti zghazagh ingibu li jgawdu u jonfqu, mhux bhall partiti l-ohra, balla xjuh jaraw xi tempju - (borg gebel mitfuh addocc). Dawk flixkun ilma bejn 5 biss jixtru. Sakemm ma ttijhomx xi taqliba u nispiccaw induru bihom il-Materdei!!
15) Naqtaw ghal-kollox, dik it-tikka, u nerga nghid, vera tikka, korruzjoni li hemm fil-football malti. B'hekk biss nistaw xi darba nikkompetu fit-tazza tad-dinja!
16) Xoghol - B'harsien u dinjita. Jigifieri aktar minn 4 sieghat kuljum kollu zejjed.
17) Peress li nafu li F'malta hawn iz-zejt (avolja hadd ma fadallu zejt f'wiccu), is-surcharge tispicca darba ghal dejjem u nrohhsu id-dawl fuq pjan ta 3 snin sakemm ingibuh b'xejn.
18) Nifthu skola gdida ghal dawk il-bdabad kollha li ghandhom bzonn tikka edukazzjoni specjali, biex hadd ma jibqa lura!
19) Innehhu L-VRT minn pajjizna halli nergaw naraw karozzi klassici (tipo xi triumph, Anglia, Capri etc etc) jiccirkulaw f'pajjizna.
20) Biex inheggu lin-nies juzaw it-trasport pubbliku, ha naghtu borza imqaret b'xejn hekk kif tasal il-belt u tipprezenta il-biljett tal-linja
21) U fl-ahhar, imma mhux l-inqas. Inwahhlu JUKEBOX f'kull kantuniera ta kull villagg, rahal u belt..u nwieghdukhom li nimlew bl-aqwa talenkt muzikali...Van Halen, Rush, Led Zeppelin, Deep ddejqu qalbkom QATT!
Ghandna pjan ghal-bidu gdid. Iva, dan nemmnuh ghax flimkien kollox possibbli. Ahna nies ta idejat godda.Ivvutalna u tara!!
Haven't updated my blog for a while, so it is about time I put up some posts. This is going to be a different post from normal.
It will definitely be longer and have three quite different subjects. I will be writing about Religion, Politics and Abuse.
Strange isn't it? For 5 years my political instincts lie dormant, while the mere mention of the words 'General Election' make me give a good long look at what has been happening around us here on the island. I won't be too far off the beaten track if I say that Labour will probably win this year's election.
Apart from a 2 year hiatus in '96, the Nationalist Party has ruled for the last twenty years. Looking at this lengthy dominion, Malta has changed for the better. Anyone with a sense of fairness will have to admit that things are far different than when they ascended to power all those years ago. And those two years Labour spent in governing were nothing but utter shambles. However, I feel that after twenty years, rot starts to set in. Intoxication of Power is the name of the game here, and it has really been too long. But is it the fact that people want a change to Labour? Or simply because they are tired of seeing the same people in power for so long? I shudder to think at the way Labour spoonfeeds the people, telling ME what is right or wrong for my kids. I have brains with which I can decide for myself no? Give me the facility to choose, and I will do so with my mind.
People DO NOT want to change the government policy...people want to change the ministers and deputies. So the 8 March will see a tense affair develop on the Maltese Islands. On one hand we see the Nationalist Government which has worked so hard to introduce us to Europe and the European Currency, on the other hand we see Labour with their aspirations of simply disagreeing with the Nationalists just because that's the way that things go. I doubt in Sant's leadership. No...make that I do not agree with his leadership. His methods date back to the late 70s early 80s, when all we could do was shut up.
It sure as hell will be an interesting three days!
Okay, now we turn to religion. I hate organisations as a whole. And I hate organised religion the most. I cannot imagine what two thousand year old teachings have to do with this modern society of ours. I would point out that today it is Islam that I am up against. I have just seen pictures that have shaken me to the core.
An eight year old boy, neglected and hungry, stole (stole? stealing food to live!) a piece of crust from a merchant in Iran. This boy, weak as he invariably was due to malnutrition, was subsequently caught and sentenced. The punishment? Having him lie down on the ground and having a truck drive over his left arm. And the fuckers said that they took mercy on him by only crushing his left arm, since he was right-handed. This boy will remain crippled for life.
Finally back to our shores and an act of sheer stupidity by what many presume is the FKNK. Well at least they are admitting that they were the ones to try and put things straight. Just head to the Birdlife Malta site. The gist of what happened is this. Three members of Birdlife were doing a scientific study at Buskett, when a bang was heard. The trio headed back to their vehicles, only to see them in flames. One of the men is an American, driving a vehicle with diplomatic plates.

How about that? On both websites of Birdlife and FKNK there have been threats by the so-called 'Conservationists', whom I consider as bullies. Obviously, hard facts are hard to come by, but everybody knows that the hunters association is hugely against control.
Hell, I have family members who were happy at this act of arson. When are these people going to learn that in this day and age there has to be change? I will be subscribing to Birdlife, and hope to play my part.
Quotes by Greenpeace follow. “Environmentalists throughout the region are shocked and alarmed to hear the news about the firebombing of wildlife volunteer's cars. Given a history peaceful environmental campaigns, even in the face of past threats and intimidation, this violent act is a disturbing threat to Maltese civil society” stated the Director of Greenpeace Mediterranean, Mr Ahmet Bektas. “This descent to what police believe was probably a criminal attack, has no place in an EU country. It’s perpetrators stain the heritage and risk the reputation of Malta” he continued. While Greenpeace is not involved in Birdlife’s campaign to save migrating wild birds from the spring hunt, it stands together with Birdlife in its vision to peacefully defend wildlife and the environment. Mr Bektas called for rapid, decisive leadership to send a clear message to those willing to descend into violence. “At a time when Malta has so much going for it, the Prime Minister and the Opposition must find the courage and unity to immediately address the underlying issue of illegal hunting. It is incomprehensible that they should permit a small minority who flout the European Commission as well as the views of wildlife scientists and insist on their right to destructive hunting. The government of the day must join and support the view of most Maltese people and protect remaining wildlife. This will not only give a clear message that intimidation and violent methods will not be tolerated, but it will also build the country’s reputation and allow it to move on.”