Saturday, December 29, 2007

Nothing like the sweet smell of victory.

Well, we have done it! Stillborn has triumphed in the first RockBAZE organized by the ESCMalta togoether with ICommunications.

Words cannot describe my emotion. Simply speechless. I have to own up and confess that I shed tears of joy at this award. Admittedly we gave a brilliant performance, playing Angel once again, a song which has now settled nicely on our fretboards, and most importantly, showing promise also with a large number of listeners. Among the prizes won, there is studio for recording this lovely song. Finally our Guardian Angel will get the recognition he/she deserves.

Our stand-in drummer Roderick stuck to his timing immaculately, while Raphael and Mario swapped their trademark solos with high precision. The girls, as usual, left no stone unturned in their quest for a great performance. Jade was simply infallible...while Diane continued to amaze the audience with her powerful voice. That left my part...

I am going to admit that I played my heart out, resulting in a very satisfying performance.

Although a relatively small competition, it will be a memory to cherish forever, being on both major TV channels around five times in total this year means that Stillborn have become more popular. Good music, good response from the public...we are on to something.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

I need a hero...

This is a most different blog than usual. Because it has nothing to do with me. Well it has actually. Three days of being in bed because of my bad back has caused me to be online nearly all of the time, looking through YouTube. And I found this gorgeous gem of a clip. 2 of the best players in the world.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

My Guardian Angel

This was our entry at the Hard Rock Battle of the Bands...a beautiful song!

What do you know? I got an many things that A can stand for!

You Scored an A

You got 10/10 questions correct.

It's pretty obvious that you don't make grammatical errors.
If anything, you're annoyed when people make simple mistakes on their blogs.
As far as people with bad grammar go, you know they're only human.
And it's humanity and its current condition that truly disturb you sometimes.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Monday Blues...

It is in these quiet moments of the day, just before the dawn, that I can sit down for a while and gather my thoughts about the previous day's happening. These dark quiet moments of absolute silence help me concentrate on what I want to say, and more importantly, how to convey my feelings.

Monday has always been a day I hated ever since I was a kid. Going back to school when I was a kid, and now going to work following a weekend has never been too appealing to me. I guess this happens to most people.

So it is Monday and I am nursing a large cup of coffee, while sitting in my balcony, just before the big red panic button is depressed, waking up the angry traffic that buzzes just beyond the tree-line avenue I inhabit, and thinking about the last two days of quiet.

The weekend wasn't too bad really. It was a case of resting properly on Friday, and enjoying the Saturday morning, what with a few house-hold DIY jobs to do, and of course helping my little Rox with her homework. The early hours slipped by quickly enough and soon the little and big hands on the clock were pointing to the time that to me means a well welcome period. Band practice.

A late emergency in the band has caused us no little harm , both psychologically, and of course, in a practical way.
I am really disappointed in what happened, since we were on such a roll, what with shows coming up, preparing for a charity concert, promoting our new album and to have everything plucked out from beneath you is nothing short of dismal.

No amount of pleading could sway our erstwhile drummer from suddenly calling it quits.
So,'ve got no drummer, and suddenly the phone rings.'s the Hard Rock Cafe promoter. Oh, ok, I guess it's just a call to inform us when we would play the next gig. my horror I realise that we had just been told that we finished just 0.8 points from the final qualifier.

This is bad.

Alright, maybe (but just about) we weren't the best band, but three of the bands occupying the space above us were terrible to say the least. I simply could not believe the lack of experience and originality.
And to make matters worse, I went to see these bands and noticed that the judges were different from the ones who were passing their criticism on us. Needless to say they were more generous with their marks, otherwise the bands I mentioned would not be above us.

The guys in the band just shrugged and said that this was normal in our country, and to be taken with a pinch of salt. Hell. I don't want to take this with a pinch of cow droppings, let alone salt. Two weeks back I had to draw attention to the HRC that they were adding up the votes incorrectly, and now they expect me to take this lying down. Changing judges is simply not within the confines of the contract. But then... we are without a drummer.


Time to shut up then.

Sunday was a good day, a nice quiet relaxing time, watching a couple of movies with the wife, relaxing with a good book...aah the simple pleasures of life...and then thoroughly having my nerves destroyed in the evening as the Brasilian Formula1 Grand Prix brought the racing season to a close. A tightly fought affair, with both McLaren drivers making use of officially illegal machines, the championship was finally won by my favourite Ferrari driver.

This meant so much to me...I just love motor racing. My kids were amazed at the outpur of emotion I showed. Later on in the night there was the Juve match in which my heroes battled away to a single goal victory over plucky Genoa. Del Piero got that, so I am really happy for the guy.

The church bells suddenly bring me out of my musings as they peal out their call to the faithful and I realise that it is already half past six.

I swirl the dregs of coffee left in the mug, take a last sip, and finding no solace, get dressed for work...

Friday, October 05, 2007

The day after the battle.

It is the day after the band I play in, Stillborn, came head to head with the sheer power of FIRE. I am absolutely shattered, and have aches and pains in my darkest recesses of my body! Hehe...we can say that we thoroughly enjoyed every minute of the evening, although to be totally honest I cannot for the life of me imagine how the fuck the judges came up with the results!

I thought mathematics was simple...but not to the management of the HRC in Baystreet. What was supposed to be an easy addition turned up completely funny and damaging.

I was also totally blown away by the lack of sensibility from two of the judges present, and while taking it sportingly, would like to add some comments in the hope of taking the mickey!

Carrie, you poor poor misguided soul. A 2/10 for originality is not only unthinkable, it is also downright insulting. 45 minutes of original material only qualifies as a 2? Oh, and the only stiff I saw on the stage yesterday was in my pants.

Lee...what were you looking at? I guess you gave us a 4 for stage presence when you were yawning at the beginning of our show and nodding off to sleep! Petrified? What the hell are you talking about? Petrified? We can hardly call the amount of people present as a crowd! We are used to playing to far more people... Again originality...we are Malta's Evanescence? I guess Evanescence are Hollands's Stillborn...we started before the Dutch band for sure. Anyway, it would be an honour to be accosted to such masters. But then, if you don't like Evanescence you will hardly enjoy our style.

All in all, I enjoyed every bit of it, and would like to offer my best wishes to my friends at FIRE. A great band with a beautifully classic sound. Lee was not too happy with the blazing guys type of music...but hey they are a classic rock band..what would you expect...still they got more than us for originality!

Keep Metal!


Saturday, September 08, 2007


On a day when I am wracked with pain and fatigue, I could not help but be moved to tears as I followed Luciano Pavarotti's funeral on Italian television. The great tenor died on Thursday aged 71 after a long vicious battle against cancer.

His family stated that like all he did in life, he proudly battled like a lion, only succumbing when the terrible disease claimed his senses.

So who was Pavarotti to me...a hardened rocker who revelled in harsh metallic beats? That is why many of you will not understand ever the frame of mind of us rockers. We bask in musical melodies, whatever they may be. The great tenor brought to us common people the complexity of opera in a simple package, bearing the words EMOTION , HUMILITY and LOVE.

He may not have been the greatest to those in the know (or pretend to know), but to me he was the tenor who mingled with rock legends and pop stars to bring opera to the masses.

Ciao mancherai!

E vincerai'!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Time to load up our gear again!

Here we go again with another gig, this time at the ALLEY ROCK BAR in Paceville. Straight to the heart of entertainment in Malta, we will be bringing our heavy sound to the diversity of students from every corner of the globe, apart from the local fan base!

Entrance is FREE, and of course our debut album THY FEEBLE SOUL is on there too!

Keep METAL! ... and be safe!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

What a rocking time we had!

A big round of applause to all those of you who made the short trip down to Marsaxlokk for the 3rd Rock Festival. It was awesome playing alongside great Maltese performers such as BNI , X-Vandals , and of course the hugely popular Angelcrypt.

We enjoyed our time on stage and hope you enjoyed the show that all of us managed to put on.

A huge thank you goes to the Local Council of M'xlokk which always find time, patience and money to sponsor this show year in year out. Mr.Remiggio Cassar...we can never thank you enough for your incessant effort, time, and devotion to the cause of promoting local talent. How I wish that other councils were as generous!

Maybe this year, in which ironically we had the best sound and lighting, we were a bit unlucky with the happening of at least another two big shows, which split rock lovers. But it never rains unless it pours, so they say. But it is better to have more than less , no?

What? We were paid to play? We were paid to Rock our hearts out? Well, cheers then Mr.Cassar! You've made our day!

PS. On a very positive note, we were amazed to look out onto the stall where our merchandise was on sale, to see our new album fly 'off the shelves', right after our performance. This is nothing short of amazing, and gives us great heart. To cap it all, we were then hunted down to autograph the CD Sleeve. I can tell you that we really really appreciated your purchase.

A very humble Thank You from us all!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

A mad place to live in!

So. Saturday we will probably see a repeat of what happened last year.

That is, the audience will be having fun rocking away to the music... but as soon as the magic hour strikes eleven, we will have to pack up our amps and guitars...and make our way home. Unless as organisers we want to spend the rest of the night locked up in the local chink!

So isn't 11 o'clock a decent time to pack it in? Hell no!

The fact is that here in Malta, our local 'festas', (with all the blood and sorrow they bring with them) are allowed to continue past that hour, well into the wee hours of the morning!

That's justice for you.

Okay, got that off my chest. After the summer holidays have ground Malta practically to a halt, this week sees the last of the stragglers coming back to restart work next week. My vacation only lasted 5 days, but at least it has been quiet here in the office. With maybe just a bit more of liberty!

Keep Rocking!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Have your feeble soul rocked.

So here it is finally! The week we will fine-tune our music and set-list for the forthcoming festival in Marsaxlokk.

All is in order for us Stillborn, BNI, Angelcrypt and X-Vandals to rock the hell out of the sleepy seaside town. Xlukkajri prepare your ear-drums for a veritable rock feast.

Over here at Stillborn we are in a really good mood and raring to kick-ass. As if the release of our debut album ( Thy Feeble Soul ... ) wasn't enough, we are also in the process of writing new material for a second album. (I hope I can afford it!). Three new tracks from the next album will be making it to the concert, and we sincerely hope that you like them! Our new tracks take the music to a bare stripped-down essential, with more melodies and flowing solos. They are absofuckinglutely awesome.

So come on down to the quayside and enjoy a free night of rocking! Just offer us a nice cold beer and queue up to buy our album! We will be doing a signing session after the gig! At just 10Euros, you can hardly go wrong! Overseas orders are also accepted!

Keep safe..and keep METAL!


Sunday, August 05, 2007

Long time not blogging

Haven't blogged for some time, so here is a little post to show that I am still around. Well the heat here in Malta is searing, with high humidity is so hot it is incredible. I absolutely hate going out in daylight!

On a positive note, last Friday I was at the Farsons Beer Festival in TaQali, where once again our favourites, namely 'FIRE', contributed to nearly an hour's worth or beautiful classic metal! What surprised me most was the introduction of a new cover, that of Ozzy's 'I never wanna stop' from the new album...and I must say it totally rocked me away. As did all the other songs too...

Following Fire there was Frenzy Mono, who have somehow managed to put me off. I think they are great musicians and players, but their song-writing leaves me cold. Sorry guys. Unfortunately we were not in time with our application to play,so we hope to reserve our place from well beforehand next year.

Meanwhile , head over to for updates on our festival on the 25th of August. BE THERE!

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Hail Anette Olzon

The long wait is finally over. After unceremoniously offloading one of the best singers in the industry (Tarja Turunen), Nightwish have announced not only the new vocalist, but also have done it with a beautiful song dedicated to children everywhere. Anette Olzon is a new breath of fresh air. Just listen to the single and you will get the idea. Soft , melodic vocals introduce this singer from a hugely popular band that surely knows no limits. So make a wish, and it will be so!

And listening to the other 3 samples on the Nightwish web-site, it is clear to see that despite three years having passed since 'Once', the power is still there. God I can't wait until September!

Meanwhile, the single EVA is available from NuclearBlast records. All proceeds are going to aiding children in third world countries. Don't you even dare try to download it illegally!

Friday, May 25, 2007

I belong...

Two days now since the Champions League cup final has been done and dusted. And after Milan ran out deserved winners, a couple of scenes caught my eye. One was the salute that the Milan players gave to the Liverpool warriors as they made their way up the steps to collect the silver medal from 'Le Roi', my favourite Juve player ever...Michel Platini.

The second one brought tears to my eyes. Young, handsome, immensely rich and popular everywhere... and the first thing he does after winning not only this prestigious competition, but also the top scorer award? He gets down on his knees and prays. Thanking God for his love. Now that is what I call a man with guts and sense. Hail mighty Kaka'...may God's light shine on you through your years.

Bah...and I'm not even a Milan fan. But then...honour to the victors.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

So many music, so many emotions

So, a spate of new albums, and a surprise! Let's start off with Dreamtheater's offering. In my buddy Raphael's own words , Systematic Chaos leaves you BREATHLESS! A hugely melodic album with DT's famous progressive style. Words just dry up in the face of the onslaught by this huge band. A very good album, maybe let down a little bit by too many changes in rhythm in a track. And while that is the whole point of progressive metal, it is a bit tiring to listen to.

Another album I have been waiting for is from Vision of Atlantis. Trinity comes a good three years after Castaway, in my humble opinion,one of the best albums in metal, EVER! Period! So, how does Trinity fare up? Well, I am a bit mixed up here. I desperately want to like this album, but it is so different from their previous offering that I don't know what to make of it. I think I will give this some time to settle before making a decision. Usually an album that takes time to settle on your ears becomes a favourite one, let's hope that this is the case!

So! On with the next album...OZZY OZZY OZZY OZZY OZZY..ok,ok enough. you got my point. The Prince of Darkness is back with his new album 'Black Rain'. GO OUT AND BUY IT! NOW DAMMIT! This is a STONKER of an album. So different from the last album, and so refreshingly different. I don't think I can write an unbiased review here. Why? I have always loved Ozzy. Always. Ever since hearing Paranoid I have been addicted to his voice. The riffing of Zakk Wylde is nothing short of stupendous and his playing here reaches peaks I thought he had already reached. Ah...but does he have a ballad in there? The hell he does! 'Here For You' is an arena lighters-on song. But what about the rest? Nothing much to say except that the whole album is magnificent. Far better than 'Down to Earth'. Trust me. You'll love this one. I have naughtily downloaded the promo from the net on this album. But I have already ordered mine from copies...yes 2 copies...

So what's the surprise? Raphael was by round my house on Thursday when he mentioned a band called called Angtoria, who have an album called 'God has a plan for us all.' (2006)

I am actually wiping away my tears as I write about this album. I am going out on a limb here ok? THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST ALBUMS I HAVE EVER HEARD. This is amazing stuff. Their debut album no less. This is up with 'Castaway' , 'Once' and 'Heart of Everything', to be stuck on my mp3 player forever.

The lyrics are dark, brooding and sometimes scary, with all the pent-up emotions of the song-writers etched on their sleeve. The music is flowing, melodic, orchestral and convey the meaning of the lyrics magnificently. This is obscenely beautiful and moving. The vocals are in-fucking-credible. Deeply, deeply moving!

This is an album that is not to be missed. Thank you Raphael. You have made my day today. I have been playing this album solid for two whole days now!

Once again, I am proud to be called a metalhead!

Keep metal! \m/

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Scorpions album out!

Some time after I have listened to the RUSH album endlessly, another surprise springs forth in the shape of the mighty SCORPIONS..and what a humdinger of an album this is! Simply brilliant! Great growling guitar licks and riffs, brilliant vocal tunes, drumming and bass-work. But what really distinguishes the Scorps from other bands is their song-writing. Jesus Jesus what an album. I thought that the last effort, Unbreakable was great... but this is something else!!! Get this at once!

And Joy of Joys, the masters of progressive (after RUSH) , the absolutely fantastic DREAMTHEATER have just released their new album for 2007. Systematic Chaos is the title, and obviously I have put an order.. can't wait till I get it! Knowing the Dream, it will be massive, although I felt that with Octavarium, they could go no higher. What an album that was!

On the Stillborn front, all is err.....still...changes to the line-up seem imminent again, just as we have practiced relentlessly and getting ready to go live again... any pianists reading this? We simply cannot delay the album any more though, and it seems that as soon as we have the cds we will go ahead and launch.

Keep Metal \m/

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Snakes and Arrows

Hurrah! Snakes and Arrows, the new album from RUSH, is finally here and thumping on my home stereo system. And what an album this is. Straight from the catchy 'Far Cry' right through 'The Main Monkey Business' and on to 'The Way the wind blows', this is an album that you will stick in your player and glue the drawer!

For three guys to make such an awesome sound is nothing short of amazing. Rush have always had a strong song-writing tradition, and their instrumental hits are really grand. Who can't remember YYZ and La Villa Strangiato? Well in this album we have 'The Main Monkey Business' which is simply awesome.

So for the moment I am savouring the music before writing a more in-depth review. Let's see how long the good feeling lasts.

Meanwhile I have heard that Rush will be touring the UK in that's a thought to ponder.


Kicked out again...

It's been a bitter sweet match result for me. First of all, I am NOT a Man.Utd. fan.... far from it. First and foremost I am a Juventus supporter, with Spurs coming a distant second place. But in all honesty I wanted United to win the tie against Milan yesterday for financial reasons. You see, back in August last year I placed a small 10Euro bet on United winning the Premier AND the Champions League. Damn...would have made a really nice return on my investment at that early stage.

So before the match last night, my footballing buddies Jonathan and Joseph were banging on my front door. As usual we had our usual popcorn, snacks, pizza, and of course wine... all cholesterol free of course...ahem... anyway, I guess the snacks didn't go down a treat this week as there was still a half-bottle of wine left as the guys made their way home. So I just did it justice...mmmmm.

There was obviously a lot of ribbing going on at work this morning, all in good nature obviously... or was it? I dare not tangle with Joseph. He's built like Schwarzenneger in his prime!

Until next time...keep safe


Sunday, April 15, 2007

Requiem for a dream

Sunday today, so it is time for a rest for my poor tired back from all the rigours of the past week. Why have I named this post 'Requiem for a dream?'...simple actually.

Me, Raphael and Jade were doing some band practice yesterday when Jade started to play this beautiful haunting theme on her synth. It didn't take Raphael too long to start playing some heavy riffs alongside. After a few moments to suss out the the chords for the song, we started jamming along with Jade, and produced this little gem that I have linked to :here: (the file is 2.4Mb) .

Fortunately I had my trusty HP PDA with me, and I recorded it on to the device. I didn't think it would sound this nice, but it is just right. Still a garage recording obviously, but free from distortion.

You know what? This little number could make a nice four minute filler in our set. So simple, just three chords really, and so moving and satisfying to play. It is taken from the film bearing the same name as the title, on the evil of drugs and what harm they cause. I saw the movie lately. It is so shocking and ultimately believable. So sad . . . my advice? Steer clear of drugs.

Drugs are for mugs!

Keep safe and keep metal \m/

Thursday, April 05, 2007

The wait is over...

At long last the wait is over. We have in our grubby little hands the creation that has meant so many sleepless nights, empty pockets and endless sacrifices for the Stillborn team. So much work and dedication have gone into creating this little masterpiece. Sales from this album will help us gear towards recording a new second CD. We have so much material waiting to burst forth that it is incredible to think what a long journey the music has to travel...but as long as the path that it follows leads to your heart...that's all that matters.

If your dreams are strong enough, then truly nothing can stand in your way!

Keep Safe


Saturday, March 24, 2007


Leave me alone! That is the winning track from the land of HEAVY METAL! Take a look at the winning song from Finland. This is an Evanescence type song, with powerful voice delivery and impressive guitar work. How can we have otherwise from the country that gave us Nightwish, Sonata Arctica and many more metal bands? This is a hit in my humble opinion.Olivia? Hold on to your butt! In my opinion we won't even make the final.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Yep..well worth the asking price

Well of course I had tried my new BC Rich at home, but to tell the truth, nothing beats a balls-to-the-wall heavy session in a small garage to appreciate the real wall of sound that this guitar emits. Jesus wept! I had to keep the amplifier down to a bare minimum so as not to have my ears scorched by the deep booming emanating from the pickups. So yes, it was well worth the price. Now if we can only start to write new material. I know we have it in us!

On an even more positive note, regarding my very bad health issues, things seem to be moving on quite well. The reason? New medication in the form of VERY expensive injections, along with methotrexate pills, are enabling me to be myself again. Yes, I am back...but I am also totally new. This is an incredibly moving moment for me and my family, who has had to suffer from the consequences of my illness. The damage has been unfortunately done, but the medication will help to not only soothe the pain, but even slowly build on the damaged joint I have. In all probability, I will have to take these (self-administered) injections until the day I close my eyes forever...but hey...who knows when that moment will be?

Saturday, March 17, 2007


Barely 5 days have passed since it was sent out from the nice guys (grovel grovel) at and my nice new shiny BC Rich is already hanging from its post next to my Fender replica baby. What a sight for sore eyes they make as I gaze at their splendour! And what incredible value for a highly crafted instrument. Dreamy chrome fittings and solid black glossy paint adorn a simple but beautiful slightly arched-top bass guitar. The pic below shows it on the right, next to my trusty Skylark.

Okay, so what about the sound? Hell it is already loud by itself, let alone plugged into an amplifier. And the's why a well-crafted instrument will always bring out the best of you. With trepidation I tried it out to the beautiful bass-line of 'Sultans of Swing' , and . . . . and it plays beautifully!!!

I actually wasn't home when the guitar arrived by van. My crafty wife and kids didn't say anything to me as I headed to the computer room and let out a scream of delight as I saw the huge tightly packed box next to the sofa! So thanks to the guys at for their fast delivery and amazing prices. Give them a try! Extremely helpful guys...Full Marks!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

New Guitar on the way!

Well, I'm as proud as punch...I'm gonna be a parent again..well actually to a guitar! Hehe. I just happened to be on a German website when I noticed this gleaming BC Rich Eagle Platinum going for a song. Just 148 Euros was the asking price for this black beauty, quite a lot down from the RRP of 650 Euros. What could I do but buy it? So now I am waiting eagerly for the mailman to call me to collect it! I can't imagine my local postie dropping this monster through the letter box.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Visions of Atlantis album pushed to May 25th

Well yesterday, wonder of wonders , fans of VoA got a mail from Thomas, (drummer of VoA) with a link to download audio samples of the band's new offering, 'Trinity'. After the news that Nicole had departed, I was a bit wary of what I was about to hear, but new vocalist Melissa made up for any fears I might have had.

Me and my daughter really enjoyed 'Castaway' , the band's previous offering, and we are really really waiting for the album with great trepidation. After hearing the sample tracks, I can say that the wait will be even more interminable. This is going to be good, really good. I left feedback to Thomas on their website and he replied back immediately, scarcely within 7 minutes. Now that is what I call honest to goodness availability.

So yes, although the album release has been pushed back to 25th May, the samples will do to whet our appetite. Thanks Thomas, and VoA...meanwhile we will just have to listen to Castaway again and again..but that's not a bad thing after all...Castaway has been one of my top three albums ever since it was released. 'Lost' still gives me the shivers after all these years.

Manowar - Gods of War review

This is Manowar's first full length album since 2002's Warriors of The World, an awesome album that was filled to the brim with tunes that rank as high as any in their entire catalog. Songs like 'Hand of Doom', 'House of Death', and 'Call To Arms', became personal anthems. That album came out during the aftermath of September 11, 2001, and contains the perfect amount of emotional drive.

Mixed with the historical context of that day, I felt that it was successful in its attempt to portray a call to arms, time for us all to get off our collective asses and fight. Even though I had been a fan of their music for years, that was the first time I actually took them seriously. It was then, because of the context, that I came to realize they are serious about their message, and it is this message that never wavers. Unfortunately, it is a message that never wavers. It starts and ends with the big guy, Odin, and the goal of all Norse warriors, to fight valiantly and die in battle so he can cross over the rainbow bridge and chow down in the great mess hall that is Valhalla, sitting next to their King, Odin.

It is this imagery, though, that causes people, including me, to snicker and visualize a bunch of white dudes standing around a fire with horns on their head, waving animal carcasses on a stick, and shouting 'By the power of grey skull!'. This is a different time than it is was then. Yes I know, the age of war is not over, but without the real world context this time around, I cannot take the message seriously.

Gods of War isn't another call to arms as Warriors of The World was. It is a concept album, one in a series of tribute albums to come covering the Norse Gods of legend. The series kicks off with this rousing tribute to the head honcho himself, Odin. In a series dealing with Norse Gods, to begin with anyone else would be completely disrespectful and potentially catastrophic. Odin just might send over Thor to jam a lightning bolt up your ass if you didn't.

I am not much of a fan of concept albums, because what it really boils down to is this, I want to hear the music, not all the peripheral stuff. Such is the same with Manowar, I want to hear multitudes of rising anthems, crescendos that come fast and furious. I want to heat their version of power metal, long carrying the torch of true metal, played like they just invented it. The new album contains several of those moments, but there are as many moments that do not.

Believe me, I get concept albums, there are going to be lulls, ebbs, and flows. There is a story to be told, and sometimes a band has to go outside the song to lay the groundwork for the story. Something the songs cannot do this by themselves. So, what eventually happens is, concept albums tend to wander off on tangents and normally I will let it take me with them, for short necessary trips, but with Gods of War, nearly half of the album is spent ring around on these tangents.

And that is what kills this album in the end. The flow is needlessly thrown away in momentum damaging overtures that don't necessarily assist in telling the story. Example: Beginning the album with two overtures, lasting nearly nine minutes. That's too much set up, when all I really want is to hear the metal, this is a metal band after all, am I wrong? Another example is the placement of the hymn, 'Army of The Dead Part 1', which stops the momentum that 'King of Kings' created dead in its tracks. When 'Sleipnir' gets going, which is a nice little power metal diddy actually, the pace quickens again and stays moving forward through to the next tune, my favorite track, 'Loki God of Fire'. The guitar riffs that accompany the chorus are deliciously different than everything else on the album. Coupled with their only real attempt at groove, the song might actually make it into a personal top ten Manowar list.

Manowar is not a stranger to ballads, and this album does include them. I just question the placement of them. After the double shot of good metal I mentioned earlier, I think it was too soon to slow it down. In this case what did it was 'Blood Brothers', a good ballad for sure, but it is repetitious, and quite frankly, would have been great at the end, fading away as the album closes. If that didn't fully kill the momentum, what followed further cemented my desire to hit the skip button. The Odin trifecta, situated directly and smack dab in the middle of the album. 'Overture of Odin' is exactly what it says, 'The Blood of Odin' is nothing more than atmospheric dialog, and then, finally, the band gets around to picking up their instruments again to finish off the trio with 'Sons of Odin', a typical Manowar song, and really, not all that good.

There are more overtures and dialog to come. I'm not quite sure why, after all that. 'Gods of War' sounded so good to me, after all it is a pretty simple hymn. Either it really is good, or it was the fact that I had to wait almost a half an hour to hear it. In the end, I came to the conclusion it's combination of both. Only one track remains on the regular album that is worth noting, the curiously titled 'Odin', a mid-paced rocker that could have been better suited sandwiched in between 'Loki God of Fire' and 'God of War'. The copy I received has a bonus track 'Die For Metal' which is a classic fist pumping anthem for and about the desire to save metal. Falling completely outside of the concept box, which I suspect, is why it is a bonus track.

RATING - 4/10 - I am just not a big fan of the over indulgence of the set ups, overtures, quiet instrumentals, and dialog. Is this Manowar? or is it Rhapsody of Fire? Much of this could have been cut out, the track listing consolidated, and emphasis placed on the actual metal tunes. Then, follow it up with a ballad if you must. But after forcing myself to listen to the entire album, as is, several times, I cannot in good faith say that I ever really want to listen to the tangents anymore. In the age we live in though, you can just take a big giant axe to much of the album, rearrange what's left to your desired listing, and you can actually salvage this album.

Monday, February 26, 2007


Cor what an error...I was reasonably sure that the new Nightwish album would be out in May, but it seems that I was mistaken...It will actually be out on the 26th of September, just the perfect gift for me since my birthday is the day after! So long to wait...

A friend of mine has informed me that March will also see a new Judas Priest offering. Nothing on the website though. If it is true and the album is as good as 'Angel of Retribution', we are in for a treat!

Meanwhile, we at Stillborn are finally going out on the road...the last week of April should see us on stage with another local band. Clarifications and plans are still being hammered out. More news later on then!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

What a year this is going to be.

What a year this is shaping up to be. Why is that then? Certainly everyone knows my passion for music. So I will just say the following in a hurry... Rush , Nightwish , Visions of Atlantis and of course Stillborn. What is it with these bands then? Oh come albums of course. Rush are to release 'Snakes and Arrows', a much awaited release after the hugely successful 'R30' did I have fun or what? Fucking awesome shows in UK.

So now we come to Nightwish. After unceremoniously dumping lead singer Tarja Tuurunen following the Hartwell concert 'End of an Era', Tuomas and gang have been looking for a new singer. For me it will be Nicole Bogner from 'Visions of Atlantis'...The VOA singer left the band right after Nightwish sacked Tarja (what a mistake that was!). This album will make 'Once' child's play...Slated for a May release, I simply can't wait.

Now we come to Visions of Atlantis. This is a relatively small band, but I tell you, they have an awesome album in Castaway. I suggest you get a good listen to this offering, as it is simply awesome. The official site has also a video of their incredible single 'Lost'...fair gives me goosebumps. So yes, I am waiting for this album with gnashing teeth.

Last, but certainly not least, we come to 'our' Stillborn album...'Thy Feeble Soul' is an incredibly deep album, with really good progressive riffs. This is without a doubt one of the best albums I have heard for a very long time. I haven't been excited about a local release since 'Fire's' debut album in August. If we only had decent backing abroad, we would really make a killing with this release. Slated for mid-March, you should get this if you are into progressive rock.

Keep Metal \m/

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Stillborn are back!

Well for the last 6 months I have been living a different dream. After some silence, I thought it best to own up. I was invited to provide bass playing for fun with a friend and friend of his. Well it turned out that these two guys were part of a band called Stillborn, of which I am a fan. Things started very well. What we didn't know was whether this was a side-project to the band,but then we had the singer back, followed by the drummer! Well , I invited Jade, an incredibly talented keyboard player, and suddenly Stillborn are re-born!

Next thing we know we are practicing the long lost Stillborn album! It has been a brilliant 6 months, and we need to cap it up with a good show to promote and launch the album.

It has brilliant guitar work and incredibly deep vocals. I am amazed still today at the depth of song-writing and execution! And now we are working on new songs...The new stuff is lighter, not so dark and brooding, but fantastic material just the same.

Watch this space for further info!

Meanwhile you can watch us on

Thanks for watching...the rollercoaster continues on its journey!

Monday, January 15, 2007


It has been some time since I posted, so what I will probably do is try to go back to my diary and write down my thoughts as they have occurred.

Last Saturday was a new first for me. It was the first time I had a car accident. This er...'lady' came out of nowhere and hit me straight on my side. The result? Two new doors are needed, but most important is the really hard knock I got. The car finished with the driver-side wheels about six inches off the ground. Thankfully, since I was on the hospital-bound road, I got help from paramedics who fitted me with a collar brace and took me for a check-up.

After an hour it was back to the accident site since the traffic police had not arrived yet...Oh well, just another bad episode in a period of disasters!